Practice Paraphrasing
To begin, practice paraphrasing, which is the process of conveying the same idea in many ways. Knowing how to paraphrase is advantageous since it provides you with more options when responding to a question. You can practice paraphrasing with just about anything – a news item, a television commercial, a friend's email, a poem, or anything else you read or hear. To be able to paraphrase and write effectively, you must expand your vocabulary. When writing, it's critical to be able to employ synonyms for significant terms.
Read two articles and compare
It is critical to be able to recognize key points. Listening to recorded lectures and writing down the important ideas is a good way to do this. Because you can share notes, this is an excellent activity to undertake with a study partner. Write a summary for each of two articles that are on the same topic. Then, describe how they're similar and how they’re different.
Do not practice with spell checks
While spell checks may be very important for your writing, try not to use them while practicing for your TOEFL exam. In the real exam there will be no spell check to tell you if you have misspelled a word or left a spacing mistake. You can use a text editor app that does not correct you or you can always turn spell check on/off on apps like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, etc.
Check the timer
You must check the timer all the time! The timer will help you adapt the time you use for each paragraph. The second the time is up, whatever is written will be sent to the ETS center. Thus, you cannot change, correct any mistakes you may have made or anything else. That will be as considered your final response.
(Emergency Tip: If you couldn’t do well with the timer, make sure to go back and fix any misspelling or grammar issues you may have made and include a short conclusion. Even if you couldn’t write two strong body paragraphs, it will still save you some points.)
Leave plenty of time to edit
3 minutes would be the optimal minimum time to edit your essay. Go back and edit each paragraph by checking it sentence by sentence. Check for word misspellings, usage of a/an/the articles and spacing mistakes.
Show Paragraph Unity
Make sure that each paragraph has similar word count. You must avoid having one long paragraph and a much shorter one. A paragraph should have a topic sentence, 2-3 sentences with examples and details and a thesis statement. Try to make paragraphs look similar with each other, but not with similar examples.