This is the essay that our consultant, Drin wrote as his supplemental essay for his application to Harvard.
How you hope to use your college education:
We are only 17 years old, Kosovo and I. I was in my mother’s womb during the war, and I had my first cry in a war-torn country. The streets were no longer streets, only long stripes of bricks and dust. My family’s home was as flat as the earth. People had no light in their eyes, no joy in their smiles.
As I grew up, and evolved, so did my country. Streets were rebuilt and renamed after war heroes. People built bigger and better houses. Now when you look into people’s eyes you notice hope.
In 2008, Kosovo became officially independent. That was the year I turned eight. My living room was full of people, all with their eyes wide open, watching the television as the prime minister read the Declaration of Independence. My grandmother was the first one to burst out in tears, followed by everyone else, myself included, although I had no idea why that moment was so monumental.
Now I know. That moment was the dream of generations past, and I was lucky enough to live it. What is more, I am part of the generation that will contribute to my country’s development. Since the war has ended, Kosovo has strived to rebuild. Although streets have been paved and buildings have been built, institutions have not progressed much, and there are very few opportunities. People still have hope in their eyes, but they must have goals as well. Hospitals and kindergartens are at full capacity, integrity battles with corruption are around every corner, and often corruption wins because of the lack of prosperity and inadequate rule of law.
Education is the only tool to help us change. After obtaining a qualitative education, I plan on coming back to Kosovo and aiding in my country’s growth. I know that it is progressing, but I want the progress to be faster and more noticeable. I want people to be happy and proud of living in Kosovo, just like I am. I want to make changes to my community, and I believe that studying economics will help in this regard. By studying economics, I want to discover policies and methods that could be tailored to helping Kosovo’s unique needs.
A country isn’t made by its size or location, but by its people. The people of Kosovo deserve a better future. One day, when I walk in the streets of Kosovo, the air will be clean, surrounded by green spaces and joyful children. Houses will turn into homes with happy families inside; families who believe in the power of their institutions and are optimistic about the future of their children. People’s eyes will shine, each of them following a vision, a goal. Each of them will be working towards making our country and the world better.
I will be walking amongst those people, being one of them.
A 30-year-old Kosovo and I will both be happy, positive and developed entities, complementing each other and the world
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